Bikini Hair Removal - Explore the Possibilities by Bill Gatton
Bikini Hair Removal - Explore the Possibilities
by Bill Gatton
For decades, women have been seeking to rid themselves of unwanted bikini area hair via a variety of methods. Right now there are more options for bikini hair removal than ever before and you owe it to yourself to check them out to determine which is best for you!
The most common way for the affluent modern woman to care for her bikini area is to have it professionally waxed at a salon. Many salons offer a variety of options for this procedure, with everything from just the removal of anything outside the most basic bikini line to the complete Brazillian wax.
Unfortunately, routine salon visits can end up costing a lot over time. In addition, in order to have your bikini area cared for by another individual is something you must be comfortable enough with yourself and your practitioner in order to undergo.
You can also wax your bikini area with at-home kits available at drugstores. One type of kit involves a pot of wax you heat in your microwave, tongue-depressor-like applicators, and strips of specially-treated paper that you then apply to the wax once it is on your skin. You then tear the strip of paper off of your body, and in theory, the wax and hair comes off with it. As you can imagine, there is a lot of pain involved in the waxing process, whether done at home or at the salon, and even after the worst of it is over, many women have skin reactions to the wax and will remain red and tender in the area for days.
The other type of at-home wax kit includes strips that already have the wax on them. The disadvantage to these, as well as to those mentioned above, is the accuracy factor. Having another person apply the wax provides an important vantage point, as it is difficult to see exactly where you are placing the wax and/or wax strips when you are applying it to yourself.
The other at-home remedy available at drugstores is the cream hair remover specially-designed for the hair around the bikini area region. Although this sounds a lot less painful, negative skin reactions are actually more common with these creams than with waxes. They are also messy and smell rather bad.
Now, however, there is a solution that is becoming more affordable and available to women across America every day: laser hair removal. This is a process which has been approved by the FDA since 1997, and which is widely used around the world for permanent hair removal.
These are the main options available when deciding how to go about dealing with unwanted bikini hair. Now that you are more informed about the different methods of bikini hair removal, you are sure to find the right one for you and have the experience be as pain and hassle-free as possible.
About the Author
If you would like more on bikini hair removal, visit http://www.LaserHairRemoval-101.com where you'll find abundance of resources on laser hair removal.
by Bill Gatton
For decades, women have been seeking to rid themselves of unwanted bikini area hair via a variety of methods. Right now there are more options for bikini hair removal than ever before and you owe it to yourself to check them out to determine which is best for you!
The most common way for the affluent modern woman to care for her bikini area is to have it professionally waxed at a salon. Many salons offer a variety of options for this procedure, with everything from just the removal of anything outside the most basic bikini line to the complete Brazillian wax.
Unfortunately, routine salon visits can end up costing a lot over time. In addition, in order to have your bikini area cared for by another individual is something you must be comfortable enough with yourself and your practitioner in order to undergo.
You can also wax your bikini area with at-home kits available at drugstores. One type of kit involves a pot of wax you heat in your microwave, tongue-depressor-like applicators, and strips of specially-treated paper that you then apply to the wax once it is on your skin. You then tear the strip of paper off of your body, and in theory, the wax and hair comes off with it. As you can imagine, there is a lot of pain involved in the waxing process, whether done at home or at the salon, and even after the worst of it is over, many women have skin reactions to the wax and will remain red and tender in the area for days.
The other type of at-home wax kit includes strips that already have the wax on them. The disadvantage to these, as well as to those mentioned above, is the accuracy factor. Having another person apply the wax provides an important vantage point, as it is difficult to see exactly where you are placing the wax and/or wax strips when you are applying it to yourself.
The other at-home remedy available at drugstores is the cream hair remover specially-designed for the hair around the bikini area region. Although this sounds a lot less painful, negative skin reactions are actually more common with these creams than with waxes. They are also messy and smell rather bad.
Now, however, there is a solution that is becoming more affordable and available to women across America every day: laser hair removal. This is a process which has been approved by the FDA since 1997, and which is widely used around the world for permanent hair removal.
These are the main options available when deciding how to go about dealing with unwanted bikini hair. Now that you are more informed about the different methods of bikini hair removal, you are sure to find the right one for you and have the experience be as pain and hassle-free as possible.
About the Author
If you would like more on bikini hair removal, visit http://www.LaserHairRemoval-101.com where you'll find abundance of resources on laser hair removal.
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