
Beauty Tips - Shaving And Hair Removal by Debrah Dragon

Beauty Tips - Shaving And Hair Removal by Debrah Dragon

Almost all human beings have body hair, for men it is more than women. However women tend to be more conscious about body hair since society doesn't approve of women with body hair as it does for men. The reason for this is that body hair actually eliminates the femininity from a woman's body. On the other hand many men also eliminate their body hair in an effort to show off their body, athletes such as bodybuilders or wrestlers may eliminate their body hair in an effort to show the built of their body.

Body hair is a hairy situation that you just have to deal with again and again. Like death and taxes, you can count on unwanted body hair to grow back, no matter what you do. So if it's something you have to deal with on a regular basis, why not make the process as pleasant as possible? There are options out there you may not have considered- and maybe it's time you did. Shaving isn't ideal. It gives you the smooth, clean look you're after, but it doesn't last anywhere near as long as you'd like it to, and it can contribute to itchy dry skin and cause uncomfortable razor burn and ingrown hairs. You can't make a good shave last any longer, but, luckily, you can help cut down on the other issues. First, always use shaving cream. Just lathering up soap doesn't always give your razor the lubrication it needs for a smooth glide, and shaving with plain soap dries out your legs and skin. By using a shaving cream that has moisturizing affects, you can keep your legs feeling soft without dryness or painful cuts resulting from the razor catching. And if you frequently get razor burn or ingrown hairs, especially at the top of your thighs, try shaving with the direction of the hair, instead of against it.

Of course, if you're tired of the hassle of shaving, there are other options. Products like Nair can come in handy, since they don't require a razor and the hair takes a bit longer to grow back. But these products can be hard on many peoples' skin, and frequently cause ingrown hairs. So next, you have waxing. It hurts, yes, but it's quick, it's effective, and it doesn't hurt that much. And you don't have to go to a spa to get it done. There are tons of good home waxing kits available over the internet and in your local department store. But if you don't like your pain all in one big dose, and would rather invest in one small hair remover and be done with it, you can buy an epilator. This small hand-held machine does basically the same thing as waxing, only it does it buy pulling the hairs out using a rotating head covered in hair grabbers. Same amount of pain as waxing, just spread out over more time, and you're in control. And if you're really fed up, you can always invest in electrolysis, and be done with that hair for good. It's your money- spend it wisely.

As you can see that eliminating body hair is not very difficult, however keeping it away can be challenging. You may not be able to completely eliminate body hair unless you use laser therapy, which can keep body hair at bay for a very long time. This poses a good opportunity for women eliminate facial hair.

About the Author

Debrah Dragon Debrah Dragon is a writer for Beauty Items, a website about everything beauty-related - hair salons, beauty tips, etc. Debrah is also a featured author at www.ArticleKing.com

