
Home Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness - Fact or Fiction? By Julie Wellsworth

Home Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness - Fact or Fiction?
By Julie Wellsworth

The removal of unwanted hair can be a messy, time-consuming, and uncomfortable procedure; and the most common ones--shaving, depilatories, or waxing--are only temporarily effective. Shaved hair will grow back quickly, and will often be thicker when it reappears.

Waxing will keep the unwanted hair at bay for up to two months; but because it rips the hair out from the roots, can be extremely painful.

Waxing requires that you apply a layer of hot wax on the area from which you want to remove the hair, then place a cloth or specially treated strip on the surface of the wax, and then quickly pull the cloth or strip off in the opposite direction from the one in which the hair grows, like tearing off a Babd-Aid.

Cream or lotion hair removal depilatories will “dissolve” the unwanted hair when you apply them to your skin and leave them on for the specified period.

But they usually have an unpleasant smell, and chemicals which can damage your skin if you leave them on too long. You should try a amall amunt of depilatory in advance of a full treatment, to see if you develop an allergic reaction.

Bringing Laser Hair Removal Home

Professional hair removal clinics offer more expensive options, including laser hair removal or electrolysis. And many people prefer that their hair removal be done in the privacy of their own homes.

To cater to them, do-it-yourself home laser hair removal equipment is now available. Is home laser hair removal safe and effective, and is it right for you?

Home laser hair removal is done with a smaller version of the portable lasers used in hair removal clinics. These portable machines apply pulses of laser energy to unwanted hair follicles and stop them from growing hair. The small size of the home laser limits it to aiming one laser pulse at an individual hair follicle, so the procedure is a lengthy one.

Home laser hair removal effectiveness depends on the user’s knowing how to set the correct level of the laser pulse; there have been instances of scarring cause when a home laser user kept reapplying the laser to the same part of the skin.

The chance of scarring has caused lots of people to question the legitimacy of claims of home laser removal effectiveness.

One such claim guarantees that that a specific portable laser will provide one hundred percent home laser hair removal effectiveness for all colors of hair. But this claim does not hold up under scrutiny. Why?

Laser hair removal is designed to target the hair’s dark pigment, and the darker the hair is, the more of the laser’s energy it will absorb.

Those with white, light blonde, grey, or red hair simply do not have enough hair pigment to have home laser hair removal work effectively.

Exaggerated hair removal claims are not limited to the effectiveness of home laser hair removal. They also apply to lotions and waxing methods. So do yourself a favor and consult with a hair removal specialist to determine which methods are most likely to be the safest and best ways for you to control your unwanted hair.

You can also find more information on Laser Hair Removal Reviews on our site. You'll also find other information such as Laser Hair Removal Treatments and Bestlaserhairremovaltreatment.com is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Epila Laser Hair Removal By Tim Grimsley

Epila Laser Hair Removal
By Tim Grimsley

Laser hair removal equipment costs around $20,000 if you were to purchase the professional type machine. Now there is a small home versions for home laser hair removal.

It's called the Epila laser and it can be purchased online. The Epila Laser is around $270, for that price it can easily pay for itself.

Before you go out and buy one of these types of machines you should know that it may take a little practice to get efficient with the process of laser hair removal. It will most likely take you a few times trying it before you will be completely comfortable with it. Here are a few basic items that you should be familiar with when you make your decision to purchase a machine and try this at home.

To understand how it works lets take a look at the procedure. At most any time about 80% of the hair on your body is growing.

All hair follows a set cycle for it's growth. Hair also goes through a resting stage before it falls out. During the resting phase the laser cannot kill it in the follicle itself.

The only other treatment that can provide a long term removal of hair is electrolysis. This is a very long process, often requiring several visits and can be quite painful. The laser uses pulses of light to gently kill each follicle that has a hair shaft that is in it's growing stage. The laser is able to pass over areas quickly. It can kill many follicles at once. This is much quicker than other forms of permanent removal of hair. You may experience some slight discomfort with the laser hair removal. Compared to other methods it is very minimal.

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...Continue

Laser Hair Removal - Answers To Frequently Asked Questions By Mike Jones

Laser Hair Removal - Answers To Frequently Asked Questions
By Mike Jones

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal systems emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle. The hair absorbs it, the energy from the laser is transformed into heat and the hair follicle is disabled.

How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?

Electrolysis can be a tedious, painful process destroying each hair follicle one at a time. This can sometimes require treatment over years at regular intervals.

Laser hair removal on the other hand can treat hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously so the process is much quicker.

Is laser hair removal for anyone?

Coolglide Technology

With CoolGlide's unique design, there is now the flexibility to treat all skin types with laser hair removal. Before CoolGlide, tanned patients and persons with darker skin could not expect good results from laser hair removal treatment.

A CoolGlide device has a longer wavelength which allows it to treat all skin tones. While patients with fair skin still respond the best, medical studies indicated that patients with tanned or dark skin can now achieve hair reduction equal to fair skinned patients without undesireable side effects.

Other Laser Hair Removal Devices

With some laser hair removal equipment, an absolute requirement is that the hair must be darker than the surrounding skin.

White skin with dark hair responds best. Persons with dark, coarse hair are the easiest to treat as dark hair contains melanin, a dark pigment which attracts the laser light so more laser energy is absorbed. Fewer sessions are needed.

Light colored hair is more difficult to treat and blonde and red hair are very difficult to treat requiring multiple laser hair removal sessions with varied results.

Anyone on a diet high in beta-carotene will need to change eating habits if they want best results from laser hair removal. Beta-carotene, found in vitamin A, carrots, squash and other vegetables produces a yellow or orange color in the skin which absorbs the laser energy and interferes with it reaching the hair follicle.

As beta-carotene can remain in the body for months, an adjustment in diet may be needed well in advance of laser hair removal treatment for optimum results.

Persons with light skin are the easiest to treat, requiring less laser hair removal sessions as the results are faster.

Persons with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get results because melanin, the dark pigment in hair, is also present in skin. Melanin absorbs some of the laser light.

There is the danger of dark skin being burned in these instances so a laser beam with a lower energy level is used. For this reason also a higher level of expertise is required on the part of the laser hair removal clinic.

How long does laser hair removal treatment take?

The time involved with laser hair removal treatment varies from person to person with skin, hair coloring and coarseness of hair all affecting the time.

Here are some estimates which can give an approximate guide.

  • Back 1½ -3 hours
  • Shoulders 10-20 minutes
  • Underarms 1-2 minutes
  • Bikini Line 8-10 minutes
  • Upper lip less than 1 minute
  • Chin 2-3 minutes
  • Legs 1½ -3 hours

At least 2 or 3 treatments are necessary, and hair that has been waxed or removed with tweezers could need from 5 to 8 treatments.

Why are repeated laser hair removal sessions necessary?

Hair goes through cycles. Anagen refers to the growth stage of hair. Laser hair removal treatment works best on hair that is in the anagen stage.

While one laser hair removal treatment may have long lasting effects, repeated treatments are necessary for best results to catch all the hairs as they enter the anagen stage.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Yes. The laser uses a wavelength of light which passes through the skin. Unlike x-rays, there is no residual left in the body.

Skin may appear pink or red after treatment. This disappears - in some cases after some minutes, in other cases after a few hours, or in still other cases, a few days. Use of cold packs will speed up the recovery time.

Is laser hair removal painful?

This varies from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Some have described the sensation of laser hair removal to a slight sting on the skin. Others say it feels like a pinch on the skin.

When can I expect to see results from laser hair removal?

After the first treatment hair will gradually fall out over the next two months. Repeated laser hair removal treatments are necessary to catch all the hairs in their various stages of growth.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

This depends on the size of the area needing laser hair removal treatment. A consumer guide on laser hair removal treatment gives $500 per treatment session as a reasonable average with 3 to 4 sessions often necessary.

The whole area on the back or the legs can cost considerably more while smaller areas such as the upper lip can cost less. Individual consultations are necessary to establish accurate laser hair removal pricing.

Is Photo-Epilation the same as laser laser hair removal treatment?

Photo-Epilation or pulsed light devices use the same principle as lasers but they are not lasers. An intense pulsed light is used to disable hair follicles with minimal side effects.

It can be effective in hair removal but requires a higher level of skill in operating as it is more difficult to adjust than lasers.

Due to it's larger spot size, large areas of the body such as the back or legs can be treated rapidly. One study showed a 50 to 60 percent clearance of hair in 12 weeks.

Can results be guaranteed with laser hair removal?

No. Due to the variables involved it is impossible to predict exactly what the results will be for any individual with laser hair removal. Many reputable laser hair removal clinics avoid giving guarantees for this reason.

Laser Hair Removal Facts - Learn the Facts Before You Open Your Wallet By Caleb Liu

Laser Hair Removal Facts - Learn the Facts Before You Open Your Wallet
By Caleb Liu

Laser hair removal is the process of using a beam of light to destroy the hair follicles in various regions of the body. As a result there is very little chance of the hair growing back in that particular area.

If the procedure is done correctly there won't be any damage taking place to the skin underneath the hair in or surrounding areas.

There are risks associated with the process so you need to educate yourself about the facts before you decide if it is right for you or not.

It is important to find out about the type of equipment that the professional is going to use for the procedure. The process of laser hair removal was approved by the FDA in the mid 1990's.

However it had been tested for about twenty years prior to that.

There is plenty of older equipment out there being used that isn't safe and won't give you the same results as the updated technology. Many medical clinics use it though because the cost of the new equipment is too expensive.

There is a difference between laser hair removal and electrolysis, yet the two are often confused. With electrolysis the hairs are removed one at a time with equipment that sends electrical currents into the hair follicles. A laser destroys the hair follicles and can do many of them at one time. It is also faster and less painful than electrolysis.

Since there are some risks associated with laser hair removal only individuals over 18 can have it done on their own. It can be authorized at a younger age with the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.

It has been tested to be a very effective type of hair removal treatment but it is also expensive. It is important to understand that you may need more than one treatment and that your hair can grow back in some instances.

Laser hair removal isn't a good option for everyone though. Only those individuals with fair skin will find it useful. Individuals with dark skin will find it often damages the coloring of the skin in the areas of treatment. Lighter colored hair including blonde, white, and gray get much better results than dark hair or red hair.

If you found this information on Laser Hair Removal Facts useful, you'll also want to read about Laser Hair Removal Training Programs.

Laser Hair Removal - Color Of Hair And Skin By CD Mohatta

Laser Hair Removal - Color Of Hair And Skin
By CD Mohatta

Laser is the concentrated beam of light energy that is used to remove hair from body for skin care. Laser has very high energy and destroys the hair follicles in seconds.

While removing the hair, laser is focused on skin and it gets attracted to the color of hair follicle and destroys it.

Let us find out how to do skin care with laser hair removal and how the color of hair and color of your skin affects the results.

Laser hair removal and color of skin- laser gets attracted to dark pigments in the skin. That is how it reaches the hair follicles and heats them to destroy. If your skin is dark in color, that will also absorb some laser energy and may get blistered or swell. With latest lasers, this problem is getting eliminated.

For getting good skin without hair, you must talk with your physician about your skin color and the kind of laser equipment they have.

Laser hair removal and color of hair- as laser destroys the hair getting attracted to the pigment in the hair, it is easier to remove dark hair with laser.

If you have light color hair- blonde, red, etc. you need to talk to your physician about that and find out the effectiveness of their equipment for your hair color.

Skin care and laser hair removal- for good skin care laser is a semi permanent solution. if the contrast between your hair and skin color is high, you are an ideal candidate for this procedure for skin care.

With latest advances in skin care you need not worry about the color of hair and skin but must talk to your physician and find out about the facility they have.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns.

Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D. Mohatta writes on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. Please visit the author's online skin care guide for more information about how to have good skin. Download free animated screensavers and wallpapers from http://www.screene.com/ on topics like nature, spirituality, motivation, love, holidays, animals, etc. Also play hundreds of fun games on free fun games

Learn About the Essential Laser Hair Removal Equipment By Cindy Helle

Learn About the Essential Laser Hair Removal Equipment
By Cindy Helle

Our appearance is frequently what makes the first impression, and as a result we all try our best to adopt the best practices. Hair growth on the body is an eternal problem for women but not only them, as men have joined with the desire to have smoothed and sleek skin that feels soft and velvety.

There are so many ways in which men and women have approached hair removal, such as shaving, cream hair removal, and waxing.

All of these practices are in fact very popular and widely used around the world. But, the hair will grow back and you will once again have to watch what you wear until you go over the hair removal procedure.

Laser hair removal is one of a revolutionary way to approach the elimination of the hair on the entire body as it will be removed forever.

Laser hair removal can be applied safely on the whole body, face and the bikini area without even to worry about the side effects, rashes or the hair ever growing back. For successful laser hair removal you may be necessary to attend a few sessions, which are not cheap but certainly worth the effort and money.

To facilitate laser hair removal essential laser hair removal equipment is necessary, and that is the none other than the laser machine. There are various types of laser hair removal equipment available and depending on the budget, amount of clientele you anticipate and facilities you have need of from it you can choose the best one that fits your needs.

Most laser hair removal equipment will also be competent to perform dermatology applications, aesthetics, leg veins corrections, haemangiomas, vascular treatment and of course hair removal.

Although most laser hair removal equipment is expensive. Nevertheless, financing can be made available through your bank or other financing agents, which sometimes are directly connected with the companies that manufacture and distribute the hair laser removal equipment.

If you are on the lookout for some bargains on laser hair removal equipment, you may find them in salon that are closing or moving and want to get rid of their existing equipment.

To find these bargains will have need of following local newspapers, or even placing an advertisement in the newspapers that you are looking for second hand laser hair removal equipment.

Occasionally the manufacturers of the laser equipment may be able to help and direct you to those who wish to sell their existing machines as at times people will contact the manufacturers first to enquire if they would like to purchase their product back at a discounted price.

Finding laser hair removal equipment that is in good condition should, nevertheless, be your primary priority because you will be dealing with very delicate parts of the human body and any malfunction can be devastating.

If achievable, try and ensure you have some type of guarantee from whom you purchase second hand equipment and also try it out prior to you close the deal. New equipment will normally come with guarantee and free service and that is one of the reasons why you should try and always purchase new products if possible.

More About Laser Hair Removal Before and After

If you learn that you are in fact an ideal candidate and thus want to learn more about laser hair removal before and after, subsequently one of the first things that you are going to want to learn about is the fact of how laser hair removal before and after is a very serious topic, as you are going to want to be familiar with about everything that is included here and about whether or not there are any risks or complications that are implicated here.

There are fundamentally risks whenever you get any sort of operation or procedure done, and this is not any different here.

For example, you may find that your skin is incredibly red for a while after, or irritated and uncomfortable, and this will in general depend on the doctor that you go to as well as how long the actual process ends up taking.

In addition you can ask your doctor about available creams and lotions that you can get to help with this, while nothing is going to take it away completely. Still, there are also certain precautions that you can take in order to make yourself as ready and hopefully as protected against any risks and complications as you can be.

You are going to want to talk to your doctor about this, in order that you can get the best idea overall and be as informed as possible, because your doctor is the professional here and they will be able to consequently let you know the most important facts that you are going to need to know, and therefore you are definitely going to want to make an appointment or two before the actual first procedure so that you can talk with them and get all of your questions answered.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Laser Hair Removal Tips to learn more about Orange County laser hair removal.

Equipment Laser Hair Removal - Women's Best Friend By Timothy Croy

Equipment Laser Hair Removal - Women's Best Friend
By Timothy Croy

Since laser hair removal is quickly becoming a new standard in hair removal procedures, it makes sense that many corporations would be getting in on a piece of the equipment manufacturing pie.

If you are a doctor, physician, or other health professional who is looking to start a laser hair removal center in your area - perhaps it is high time that you learn about the different types of laser hair removal equipment available to you.

There are quite a few products and manufacturers to choose from, all of which with varying prices affixed to their goods, so it is important to do business with the right company.

As of this writing, there are two main types of lasers that you will find in any mass produced laser hair removal equipment.

Alexandrite lasers and ruby lasers. Both are capable of achieving the same high level of quality that you would expect from an expensive purchase like laser hair removal equipment - but the ruby lasers are, on the whole, more costly.

Other lasers also exist, but they are less common than laser hair removal equipment that is constructed with alexandrite or ruby lasers.

Perhaps the most well known company in the laser hair removal equipment manufacturing scene is Lumenis. They operate under a variety of names, including the Lumenis LightSheer Laser Hair Removal System, the Diode and IPL Hair Removal Technology, and ESC Sharplan. Their lasers are sold around the world and manufactured with an exquisite attention to detail and a sharp eye for quality.

This is the company that you will want to get in touch with if you are just getting into the laser hair removal market.

However, Lumenis is not the only manufacturer on the scene - there are many others as well. Comapnies like Altus Medical, Candela, Cynosure, CoolTouch, Focus Medical, Laserscope, and Palomar are all other companies who make products you may want to look into.

These companies, like Lumenis, are all concerned with making sure that you get the quality of product that you pay for - they simply do not make as many laser hair removal equipment options as you would find with Lumenis.

As you can see, laser hair removal equipment is complex - however that should not stop you from considering this amazing procedure.

You can find out more about prices of laser hair removal at : Laser Hair Removal 101

What Kinds of Laser Hair Removal Equipment Are Available? By Jennifer Langston

What Kinds of Laser Hair Removal Equipment Are Available?
By Jennifer Langston

Now that you have made the decision to undergo laser hair removal therapy, you are probably curious as to the types of laser hair removal equipment.

The good news is that the technology has come so far over the multiple decades of its existence that there are now many options for both at-home and salon/doctor's office use.

One of the first pieces of equipment you should understand is a tool which measures the precise coloring of your skin and hair colors, so that the clinician can know the precise type of equipment and equipment setting which will best suit you individually.

In addition there being numerous different models and types of laser equipment which are commonly used today, it should be noted that each of these devices is highly customizable based on the attributes of the individual receiving the treatment.

One adjustable characteristic of laser equipment is that there are varying wavelengths of laser lights used in treating different individuals.

Wavelengths are measured in nanometers. There are three different wavelengths which are commonly used today: Alexandrite, which is at 755 nanometers, Pulsed Diode Array, which is at 810 nm, and Nd: YAG, at 1064 nm. While Alexandrite is considered the most effective wavelength, it can only be used on individuals with light-colored skin; Nd: YAG is most commonly used for individuals with darker skin.

Another aspect of laser equipment that is adjustable is the pulse-width of the laser beam. Individuals with darker skin tone often are treated with longer pulse-widths, although it is believed that shorter pulse-widths are more effective in treating hair.

Other aspects of laser equipment which are adjustable include the width of the laser beam, the energy level used, and the repetition rate of laser pulses.

The proper settings for each of these parameters will be determined by the facets of the individual receiving the treatment.

The technician or clinician performing the laser hair removal procedure will select the proper equipment and settings for each client.

Understanding the science behind the process can be a liberating tool for someone considering laser hair removal. In addition, having an idea about exactly what the machines that you will be facing can help to alleviate the nervousness one might feel before going for his or her first treatment.

In addition, knowing that this technology has been advancing for decades and that great strides have been made to make it safer as well as more customizable can help you feel confident that you will be in good hands.

Now that you know more about laser hair removal equipment, you can feel confident that your treatment will be highly individualized to suit your needs. To find more on this and other laser hair removal resources, visit http://www.LaserHairRemoval-101.com

Laser Hair Removal Risks - What You Need to Consider By Caleb Liu

Laser Hair Removal Risks - What You Need to Consider
By Caleb Liu

The idea of having a laser beam directly on your body can be scary, and it should be. Even though the process of laser hair removal is very effective and painless there are plenty of risks associated with it.

You need to be aware of these risks so that you can make an informed decision about the process being right for you or not. Many people find they like it better than waxing or electrolysis due to the pain factor they carry.

With laser hair removal you will only feel a tingling sensation.

You can have a laser hair removal session in under an hour, but it depends on the amount of hair you have. There is no recovery period that takes place so you can conveniently leave the clinic and go right back to your daily schedule. Lasers should not result in any damage to the skin.

However some people experience a type of allergic reaction to the procedure. Common symptoms of this include redness, itching, swelling, and even blisters forming.

They generally go away within a couple of days though as they are the result of the skin becoming irritated. Pupura may result as well which is a change in color pigment of the skin. It may be permanent or temporary.

If the equipment used is not up to date or the technician performing the laser hair removal isn't skilled in it, permanent damage can occur. This can include scarring, scabbing, and the skin becoming discolored. You need to ask during your consultation about the qualifications of the person who will be performing the procedure as well as the equipment they will be using to do it.

It is also important to realize that laser hair removal only works well on light colored hair and skin. It can cause severe pigment damage to darker colors of skin.

You don't want to pay for the procedure to find out it isn't going to work well removing red or dark colored hairs. Even if the laser hair removal is a success you may need more than on procedure to get the results you are after.

If you found this information on Laser Hair Removal Risks useful, you'll also want to read about Laser Hair Removal Cost.

Remove Your Armpit Hair For Good Via Laser Hair Removal Treatment By J.J. Yong

Remove Your Armpit Hair For Good Via Laser Hair Removal Treatment
By J.J. Yong

Every time you wake up in the morning or finish your shower, you would shave your armpit hair with a shaver.

You were doing this all the time like a strict daily routine; your laziness would cause you serious trouble on your armpit like smelly odor and itchiness. Sometimes it makes you feel so inconvenient to raise your hand during certain circumstances.

You would be blown away with the possibility of never having to shave again. Many people are willing to pay the cost of effective unwanted hair removal on their body.

One of the effective methods is laser hair removal treatment.

It has produced significant results as compared with waxing; as this particular laser treatment is less painful and cost-efficient. Besides that, sometimes it is difficult to perform waxing on your armpit if you are unable to endure pain.

Shaving can be a solution of temporary hair removal as this method still leaves the roots of hair follicles in your armpit. It is tedious to use a shaver as you need to change its blade on a long term basis. Getting a laser beam to get rid of the roots of the hair follicles are extremely safe as hair follicles contain a pigment called melanin that can absorb the laser beam efficiently.

You would not get the ‘hairless’ effect immediately once you have completed the treatment. You would still need to shave your armpit but not as often as before. Thus, you are required to undergo several rounds of treatments in order to have permanent 'hairless' effect on your armpit.

Find out more laser hair removal facts and information about laser hair removal equipment, visit LaserHairRemovalEssentials.com.


Laser Hair Removal Cost - Is It Expensive? By Al Falaq Arsendatama

Laser Hair Removal Cost - Is It Expensive?
By Al Falaq Arsendatama

Many people are not taken in by the idea of undergoing a laser treatment because of the heavy laser hair removal cost. It’s not true.

This treatment is not so expensive that you should run away from it.

Besides this, money is not everything in the world. Not when you get a chance to have a smooth, sexy look!

Wouldn’t you want to get rid of those ugly hairs sprouting from where they shouldn’t be?

Don’t you want to get rid of those painful waxing sessions every month? Yes, of course! Then it’s no sin in spending a few extra dollars in getting the svelte look.

The best thing about laser treatment is that the results are long-lasting. Next, your hair growth reduces drastically.

You can bid goodbye to thick, coarse hair forever. Even if the hair grows again, it will be fine and light in texture; hardly visible.

So, now that you have decided to spend money on laser, let’s see how deep you will have to dig in your pocket.

The laser hair removal cost depends on the body part, the doctor carrying out the surgery, the number of sessions, and other factors. It is not possible to estimate exactly the number of sessions you will need for complete hair removal because each one has a unique hair growth pattern.

And therefore, it is also not possible to tell you the exact cost. Your doctor knows best about it. After analyzing your hair growth, he or she can give you the exact estimate.

For many people, three sessions are enough for complete hair removal for several months. However, others may have to take more sessions. There are also people who require just one or two sessions for complete hair removal. Most clinics provide package treatments, containing several sessions, at a discount.

The national average cost for this treatment is $429, as per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In general, the larger the body area to be treated the more expensive the treatment will be.

For example, under arms hair removal can cost between $250 and $250, whereas if you want to get your back hair removed you would have to prepare between $600 and $900 for one session.

Click here to find laser hair removal websites easily online. Learn about the cost of laser hair removal and compare which treatment suits your budget. Check out also painless hair removal at low cost.

LB500s Hair Removal Laser - Advanced Hair Removal Comes Home By Mandi Fain

LB500s Hair Removal Laser - Advanced Hair Removal Comes Home
By Mandi Fain

It’s inexpensive, simple to operate, and safe. It is so user-friendly; in fact, it takes the laser hair removal treatment process out of the hands of professional practitioners and puts it in your own.

It is the LB500s hair removal laser, and it is the most recent advance in the technological elimination of excessive body hair.

LB500s Hair Removal laser machines require only 200mW of electricity to stop the growth of unwanted hair, and ah numerous features especially designed for home use.

Each LB500s Hair Removal laser unit includes safety equipment, a laser emission power control and a timer.

Its high frequency laser has been tested for safety and causes no side effects. The units are lightweight, compact, and portable, and designed to effectively remove hair from nearly all the areas of the body, including the face, bikini line, arms, and legs.

The LB Hair Removal laser machine removes unwanted hairs more quickly and easily than traditional methods, like waxing, shaving, and depilatory use.

Unlike those, it is both convenient and comfortable, and will be effective on small sections of hair in a single treatment.

It will remove only as much hair as is necessary, and an added benefit is that it leaves the treated skin exceptionally soft by causing the pores to constrict.

The LB500s, because of its portability, can be used in any appropriate location, and will pay for itself in terms of the money its users can save instead of receiving laser hair removal treatment at clinics or salons.

LB500s Hair Removal Laser Precautions

Whenever laser technology is being used, there are precautions which must be observed. One should never allow his or her eyes to be exposed to the laser light, and the laser should be moved in a circular pattern over the area of the skin being treated, to minimize the chance of burning.

The LB500s Hair Removal laser is most effective on short hair.

To speed and improve its results, consider shaving the part of the body from which you want to eliminate hair before you begin.

Both prior to, and after completing, your treatment, place an icepack or cold compress on the skin to cool it. If you want to remove hair from an area which is difficult for you to reach, ask someone else to control the laser. Minor “snaps” of pain are normal with the application of each laser pulse; they should be bearable.

Those considering a purchase of the LB500s Hair Removal laser can visit a local dealer to learn more, or direct their questions to the friend of acquaintance from whom they learned about the machine.

You can also find more info on Laser Hair Removal Reviews and Laser Hair Removal Treatments. Bestlaserhairremovaltreatment.com is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Laser Hair Removal Specialist By Tim Grimsley

Laser Hair Removal Specialist
By Tim Grimsley

When considering laser hair removal one of the most important things to research is the different specialist that are available and find one that you are most comfortable with.

You do not have to spend a lot of money to get great results when you take time to research the facts. In fact sometimes you will receive results that are unsatisfactory even while spending a fortune on the procedures.

There are some things that you can look out for that will indicate places that you do not want to associate with.

First a word of warning to anyone who may be considering purchasing a Do-It-Yourself home kit for hair removal.

Although your will remove the hair, these are all just temporary and do not amount to much more than Nair. Nair can be commonly bought at any pharmacy and for much less than you will spend for something on an infomercial.

Permanent hair removal can only be found by using a specialist in the field. There are several certification boards for the hair removal industry, you should never use a specialist who cannot produce a certification certificate.

You can validate this certification board online. Always look for a specialist that has an open and inviting office.

When visiting the office look around to make sure that common hygiene is being practiced. The area where the procedure is performed should have the look you would expect in a doctor's office.

Take time to talk to the specialist, they should be approachable and inviting when it comes to your questions. This is a few basic practices that you can use when selecting your specialist. Using these can help you make the right choice...Continue

The Potential Danger of Laser Hair Removal By Antoinette Boulay

The Potential Danger of Laser Hair Removal
By Antoinette Boulay

Short term dangers of laser hair removal do exist; this includes redness, as well as swelling. It typically lasts only a few days, although in rare cases, or if a procedure is incorrectly performed, a patient can also face other dangers.

One potential danger of laser hair removal is the risk of laser hair removal burns.

When the laser hair removal procedure is not correctly performed, there is a risk of getting burnt, because the skin, rather than the hair follicle, absorbs the energy and heat of the laser.

Before going through laser hair removal it important to decide whether this sort of treatment is suitable for you, to minimize any danger of laser hair removal, and other possible side effects.

Another frequent danger of laser hair removal is when a particular cream is used to numb the skin before the laser hair removal.

This cream has been implicated in the recent deaths of two college students. Shiri Berg, a North Caroline State University student, allegedly died in early January of a Lidocaine overdose.

Lidocaine cream had been applied by Berg prior to getting laser hair removal treatment at a North Raleigh spa. An autopsy showed that the cream that had been absorbed into Berg’s bloodstream, causing her to first go into seizures and then cardiac arrest, leading to lack of oxygen to her brain.

Lidocaine overdose is a serious danger of laser hair removal.

It can cause allergic reaction; one should carefully weigh all factors with one’s doctor, prior to usage.

The rapidly building trend of spas going high-tech, offering the latest laser hair removal treatments, and making claims that the procedure is 100% risk free with no side effects is also a big problem.

The truth is far from the hype and many patients could develop second and third degree burns, experiencing severe pain.

Other intrinsic dangers of laser hair removal treatment also include operator error and inexperience. Often technicians performing laser hair removal procedures may have only minimal training using the laser. There is a chance of receiving inadequate or improper treatment that may cause, in the worst case, permanent damage.

Laser Hair Removal - Get Rid of Unsightly Hair Permanently By A Aaronson

Laser Hair Removal - Get Rid of Unsightly Hair Permanently
By A Aaronson

Laser hair removal is a growing in popularity among both men and women in the US. Besides the inconvenience of shaving day in and day out or waxing monthly, people have discovered that the pesky problems that exist with shaving and waxing such as ingrown hairs, don't occur with laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a painless and quick procedure that is offered in many day spas, medi spas, and plastic and cosmetic surgery offices around the nation. The process is so simple that both the client and the practitioner can be at ease when working with the laser.

It is true that one treatment is almost never enough to eliminate hair from growing back.

Hair grows in cycles and it is important that a regular treatment be applied at the start of each cycle to ensure maximum results.

Laser hair removal involves a laser being directed at a hair follicle on your body. The laser is flashed on the hair follicle and heats up the root of the hair to eliminate it. The heat also has a positive effect on the follicle and you body will begin to process that it does not need to reproduce hair in that area after regular treatments.

Typically treatments begin in regular two-week intervals and lessen to monthly and eventually one or two treatments a year may be all that is needed to maintain the results.

Laser hair removal is safe to be used on the face, bikini line, legs, arms, underarms, abdomen, chest, back, hands, and feet. Really anywhere that unsightly or unwanted hair is on your body, laser hair removal can treat.

All skin types can be treated by laser hair removal systems because the heat of the laser can be adjusted based on the patient.

Darker skin patients are at more risk for unwanted skin damage from the laser because the light of the laser wants to be absorbed by the melanin pigment in the surface of the skin rather that the hair follicle. To alleviate the problem doctors will cool the surface of the skin to avoid the heat of the laser affecting the skin.

Also, the wavelength of the laser can be adjusted to protect skin damage on any patient. With dark skin patients doctors often use the longest wavelength of light because of the melanin of the skin will absorb shorter wavelengths faster.

It is of the utmost importance that an experience professional conduct the laser treatment.

Make sure to check the credentials of the doctor you see, ask about their experience and training.

Asking for before and after photos of previous patients is a good way to gauge the success of the results that the doctor normally achieves.

Be sure to find out what the options are if there is a mishap. You will want to know all of your rights before you sign a consent form.

Also, it is extremely important that you and your doctor are on the same page about the goals you want to achieve and what is practical for you as a patient.

Don't waste your time or money on costly and painful hair removal treatments anymore. Opt for a laser hair removal, Charlotte offered at variety of places including Radiance Medspa. Visit http://www.radiancenc.com

Top 3 Methods of Permanent Hair Removal at Home By Antoinette Boulay

Top 3 Methods of Permanent Hair Removal at Home
By Antoinette Boulay

A lot of people are looking to remove unsightly hair, but would rather do it in the privacy of their own homes.

People desiring permanent hair removal at home have a few options. They should also, however, be on the lookout for scams and ripoffs. As in any else in life, something that sounds too good to be true, probably is.

1) Electrolysis

One method for permanent hair removal at home is electrolysis. In home electrolysis, an ultra thin metal probe is inserted in the hair follicle, and a minute amount of electricity is applied, which damages the hair follicle.

This causes a permanent hair removal. Home electrolysis units are available for around $40-$50.

Make sure you choose a model that does in fact involve inserting a probe into the hair follicle. Products that eliminate this feature effect a only temporary hair removal at the best.

Permanent hair removal at home with electrolysis can be touchy. Removing hairs one at a time takes a lot of time, particularly if you have thick hair. If you are inexperienced in this procedure, it is easy to accidentally damage our skin.

For permanent hair removal at home, we would suggest that electrolysis be done by a trained professional.

2) Topical Cream

So far, Vaniqa is the only topical cream for long-term hair loss that is recommended, and it is available only through a prescription.

Vaniqa slows new hair growth, and must usually be used in combination with supplementary hair control methods such as shaving or plucking.

This ointment must be applied twice a day, and has some restrictions. It is only for women and only useful for facial hair growth. If use of Vaniga is discontinued, hair will recommence growing at its normal rate.

3) Oral Medication

Medications may not produce permanent hair removal at home, but do produce permanent hair reduction by hindering growth of new hair.

The majority of these medications work by reducing the amount of testosterone or androgen hormones that cause hair growth.

All medications for inhibiting new hair growth at this time require a prescription. See your dermatologist or family doctor for these medications, which include Daine35, Propecia, and Aldactone.

People are sometimes frantic about finding methods of permanent hair removal at home, and can be vulnerable to scam artists selling expensive products that are don't work or have not been proven to work. Before you spend any money, please talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

If you'd like information on laser hair removal or facial hair removal, visit http://www.fountia.com

Laser Hair Removal - What You Always Wanted To Know By CD Mohatta

Laser Hair Removal - What You Always Wanted To Know
By CD Mohatta

Laser hair removal is getting more popular everyday. There are many questions in mind of people who would like to get hair removed by laser. What is the result with laser hair removal?

Does that cause pain? Does laser hair removal cost very much? Is laser hair removal safe? Such questions need to be answered. Let us look at them. Before that let us find out about how laser removes hair.

When laser is focused on skin, it gets attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle. The laser heats the hair follicles and burns it at the root.

The darker the color of the hair, better the results. Similarly the skin should be light colored otherwise the skin also attracts laser and gets blistered.

With latest developments this possibility is getting eliminated, but you must talk to your physician about your hair and skin color and the results expected. Ideally there should be substantial difference between skin color and hair color.

1.The biggest advantage of laser hair removal is the freedom of getting hair removed from different body parts. Except the region near the eyes, you can get all the body treated for hair removal with laser.

You need not worry any more about removing hair from bikini are, back, legs, shoulders, hands or any other body part. Laser can safely remove hair from all over the body except the region near the eyes. Your technician will tell you more about this.

2. Most of the latest lasers have no side effects except redness and swelling that disappears after few days. If you are a dark colored person, you may want to talk with the technician and physician about the equipment they have and the possible side effects on your skin after laser hair removal.

3.Number of laser hair removal treatments required- hair grows in cycles. You have to therefore get hair removed at intervals. All the hair from an area cannot be removed at a time. Your technician will advise you about the interval between each cycle. Normally you can expect to get hair removed in three treatments.

4. Results with laser hair removal - though laser does not remove hair permanently, it produces long lasting results. The hair that grows back will be finer and less colored. you can painlessly get hair removed from difficult areas of the body and the procedure is not painful when anesthetic issued. Please make sure that the technician you select is highly trained. That is of primary importance in getting hair removed with laser hair removal.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns.

Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about skin care to make your skin blemish-free and young, please visit- doctorgoodskin. The author C.D.Mohatta also consults with myspace websites. If you are a myspace or user of other social network websites, please click here for- Myspace Comments such as Compliments, Cool Comments, Cute Comments, Flirty Comments, Funky Comments, Funny Comments, Hot Comments, Love Comments,Picture Comments, Profile Comments, Sexy Comments, Sweet Comments and Thanks For The Add comments. For Myspace Quotes click- Myspace Quotes for myspace quotes on all topics.

Huntington Beach Laser Hair Removal - Let the Pros Do It By Judy Wellsworth

Huntington Beach Laser Hair Removal - Let the Pros Do It
By Judy Wellsworth

California dreaming…where could one pass more pleasant vacations than in the designated land of eternal relaxation? Imagine yourself sprawling at the sun, on your towel, looking with hazy, sun-blinded eyes at the sea, when suddenly, you notice the disgusting hairs that have already appeared on your tanned legs, that have been shaved barely two days ago…this is why you can visit Huntington Beach laser hair removal clinic, on your trip to California, enjoying the almost nine-mile long strip of beach and ocean right in front of the facilities

Huntington Beach takes pride in the gifts nature has endowed it with, the blue waters that reflect the sunshine, the sandy beach, the light salty breezes that fill your nostrils with healthy air, but it is most famous for the Huntington Beach laser hair removal centers, where the laser technology thrives in the industry of imposing beauty as a rule, with the use of new devices, devoid of pain and exorbitant prices.

Favorite Huntington Beach Laser Hair Removal Spots

As laser hi-tech feels at home in Huntington Beach, and the clients have deemed the place encouraging for the business, many clinics have been built and they all guarantee you the benefits the treatment bears. They are luxurious and yet not so costly, and surpass other much advertised centers, with the dedication of the staff employed as well as with the wonderful climate there.

Moreover, here at Huntington Beach you do not have at your disposal solely trained assistants or some laser therapy course graduate, but the real experienced beauticians and cosmetologists that cater to all your tastes and still manage to do their job efficiently, no matter the whims of the fearful client.

For instance, Alan Boyer, M.D. has turned perfection into tradition, from his office on 18800 Delaware St Suite, and you will surely be more than content to indulge yourself into being carefree and made beautiful by means of laser hair removal , while paying normal prices. It is most convenient, isn’t it?

New Dimensions

Laser hair removal in Huntington Beach has developed in such a way that science and the support of the clients have come to help and give the shape of a new dimension in hair removal: Skin Deep – The Body Spa use the advanced Cutera CoolGlide laser and the history of success is asserted time and again by those who visit it frequently. As laser works with beams that have infrared light along with full spectrum light, locate the pigmented hair and damage the root, the Cutera CoolGlide has a longer wavelength which results in a mild cooling of the surface of the skin, while the extraction of the hair follicles is done.

It is also indicated because it functions on every type of skin, from Asian to Caucasian or African America.

You may have to undergo several sessions to make the effect permanent, so be careful and note the address down for the Skin Deep – The Body Spa: 7862 Warner Ave. Suite J Huntington Beach, California.

You can also find more info on hair removal process and hair removal costs. Bestlaserhairremovaltreatment.com is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Minimizing The Effects Of Laser Hair Removal On The Skin By Judy Wellsworth

Minimizing The Effects Of Laser Hair Removal On The Skin
By Judy Wellsworth

The benefits of laser hair removal as an effective way to relieve people of the embarrassment of unsightly body hair have been well publicized.

Thousands of people have already undergone the procedure, and thousands more are investigating it as a way to remove unwanted body hair.

Lasers are designed to target the cells of the hair follicles without causing harm to any nearby tissues.

Short pulse lasers will heat the target cells less than long pulse ones, and are less likely to cause thermally-induced skin scarring, one of the possible effects of laser hair removal on the skin.

There are also lasers controlled by automatic scanning which limit the range of the pulses to the correct areas.

The aim is to destroy the target cells while avoiding harm to the surrounding tissue. Short pulses reduce the amount that the damaged cells heat up, thereby reducing thermal injury that could result in scarring. Automated scanners aim to reduce the chance of overlapping treatment areas.

Possible Effects

But those considering laser hair removal should also educate themselves on the effect of laser hair removal on the skin.

Knowing about the effects of laser hair removal on the skin will help you to decide if the procedure is right for you.

And one of the most significant effects of laser hair removal on the skin is that of hyperpigmentation.

Laser hair removal can cause a temporary increase in skin-darkening pigments, especially in those who have naturally dark complexions or tan frequently. But the darkening can be lightened easily with skin bleaching products.

Another of the temporary effects of laser hair removal on the skin, which again occurs in those with dark complexions, is hypopigmentation, or lightening. Hypopigmentation results because of the higher laser exposure used to treat those with dark skin.

If a laser hair removal patient is overexposed to the laser during treatment, he or she may experience skin reddening; the degree of overexposure and thermal damage will determine the length of time the reddening lasts.

But reddening rarely occurs, because of the cooling devices now available, and the proper exposure time training of laser hair removal specialists.

One of the more serious effects of laser hair removal on the skin is blistering. Blistering most often occurs in patients with the darker skin which demands higher laser exposure. To prevent blistering these patients should have their treated skin tissues cooled with a contact chill tip. Blistering, thanks to various new cooling techniques, is almost non-existent.

A less frequent effect of laser hair removal on the skin is the crusting caused by ruby or alexandrite lasers, which operate with long pulses which can cause overexposure. But all the effects of laser hair removal on the skin occur infrequently, and when done by properly trained specialists with proper equipment, it is a safe and successful method for ridding people of unsightly hair.

You can also find more information at Laser Hair Removal Reviews and Laser Hair Removal Treatments. Bestlaserhairremovaltreatment.com is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Diode Laser Hair Removal - A Must Read Information By Al Falaq Arsendatama

Diode Laser Hair Removal - A Must Read Information
By Al Falaq Arsendatama

You might have heard of diode laser hair removal. This article explains what is diode laser hair removal, the good and the bad things about it.

What Actually Is This Diode Thing?

The diode laser is an extremely proficient machine made up of tiny diodes or semiconductors. They are assembled together to produce light.

The diode laser has a longer wavelength than the Alexandrite and Ruby lasers. (Ruby laser is a red-colored beam of light used to strike the dark melanin, which is a biological pigment, present in the hair follicles.) Hence, diode is able to penetrate deeper into the skin, allowing treatment on dark-skinned people, unlike the other two lasers.

Yet, the diode doesn’t promise desired results for the dark-skinned people. However, for people with dark, coarse hair, diode laser hair removal is a boon. And it is particularly effective over large areas of the body such as back and chest. So, all you men out there, if you want to get rid of the ugly hair on your chest and back, diode laser hair removal is for you.

The Good Things about Diode Laser Hair Removal

• It has a longer wavelength that has the potential to provide better results to dark-skinned people.

• The longer wavelength provides deeper and safer penetration into the skin.

• People with black and brown hair are the most benefited.

• Lets larger areas of the body recover faster.

The Bad Things about Diode Laser Hair Removal

• People with white or light hair won’t get any benefit.

• Although it has a potential for dark-skinned people, they should not have higher expectations yet.

• You may get burns, scars, discoloration of the skin, swelling, and redness as side effects. (This usually happens when the doctor is not qualified).

In addition to this, the long-lasting success as well as the side effects of this technique differs with the person in question.

So, if you are planning to go for diode laser hair removal, select a qualified doctor. Don’t be in a hurry while choosing the doctor. Browse the internet for reviews on this new technique. Talk to people who have undergone this treatment. It is fast gaining popularity, so you can easily find someone in your vicinity who has had a laser experience.

Someone has truly said, “Beauty is skin deep!”

Click here to understand more about permanent laser hair removal. Find out cost of laser hair removal and compare which treatment suits your budget. Check out also painless hair removal at low cost.

Melanin and Laser Hair Removal By Gordon Petten

Melanin and Laser Hair Removal
By Gordon Petten

Top Reasons for getting Laser Hair Removal

1. Freedom from temporary hair removal solutions: While undergoing sessions of laser hair removal, you may shave if there is any hair in between sessions so you don’t have to let the hair grow as you would with waxing.

Normally there is minimal hair in between laser hair removal sessions.

2. Cost Effective: Laser hair removal is much more affordable than it used to be. Now more men and women are finding laser hair removal is affordable and more economic in the long term as well in comparison to waxing or depilatory creams.

3. Confidence: Most individuals who undergo laser hair removal feel much more comfortable with themselves.

Women who are treating the face area, arms, bikini line or legs feel the confidence to wear whatever they please without having to plan days or weeks in advance.

4. Permanent Results: Laser hair removal really is a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Normally
5-7 treatments are required to achieve these permanent results. The average loss after consecutive treatments is 85-95% reduction of hair. What may remain after a series of treatments are minimal fine sparse hairs.

5. Eliminate Ingrown Hairs: Laser hair removal also prevents and eliminates ingrown hairs! Once the hair has been destroyed, so is the ingrown.

If you do have ingrown hairs, the laser will still by pass the skin and destroy the root of the hair.

Melanin and the importance of melanin for Laser Hair Removal

Melanin is pigmented cells. Melanin is responsible for giving human’s skin colour and hair colour. Persons with darker skin have greater quantities of melanin in the skin. Melanin in the skin provides an essential role for the body. Melanin in the skin is the suns natural protection from UV rays.

Those with fair skin or with less melanin in the skin are at higher risk of sunburns. Melanin in the hair is essential to laser hair removal.

Laser light is attracted to the pigmented hair follicles. Laser hair removal involves using the pigment in the follicle to generate enough heat to the stem cell matrix, causing enough damage to destroy the cell completely. Since laser hair removal functions on the principle of attracting pigmented hair follicles, those with dark hair are the best candidates for laser hair removal.

Epila Laser Hair Removal By Tim Grimsley

Epila Laser Hair Removal
By Tim Grimsley

Laser hair removal equipment costs around $20,000 if you were to purchase the professional type machine. Now there is a small home versions for home laser hair removal.

It's called the Epila laser and it can be purchased online. The Epila Laser is around $270, for that price it can easily pay for itself.

Before you go out and buy one of these types of machines you should know that it may take a little practice to get efficient with the process of laser hair removal.

It will most likely take you a few times trying it before you will be completely comfortable with it.

Here are a few basic items that you should be familiar with when you make your decision to purchase a machine and try this at home.

To understand how it works lets take a look at the procedure. At most any time about 80% of the hair on your body is growing. All hair follows a set cycle for it's growth. Hair also goes through a resting stage before it falls out. During the resting phase the laser cannot kill it in the follicle itself.

The only other treatment that can provide a long term removal of hair is electrolysis. This is a very long process, often requiring several visits and can be quite painful. The laser uses pulses of light to gently kill each follicle that has a hair shaft that is in it's growing stage.

The laser is able to pass over areas quickly. It can kill many follicles at once. This is much quicker than other forms of permanent removal of hair. You may experience some slight discomfort with the laser hair removal. Compared to other methods it is very minimal.

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...Continue

Hot Wax Hair Removal At Home-Maybe You Should Start Saving For Laser Treatment By Sarah H

Hot Wax Hair Removal At Home-Maybe You Should Start Saving For Laser Treatment
By Sarah H

The struggle to keep unwanted hair of the bodies of both men and women alike is no stranger to us. Many of us are aware of the daily battle to keep unwanted hair off of our body.

The good part is that women and men both have many options from which to choose. Some methods are more painful than others, but most of the methods are not permanent.

When it comes to hair removal, decisions have to be made, for instance, how much pain are you willing to take and how much money are you willing to spend?

Because hot wax offers the longest lasting solution that is less expensive that electrolysis, many people opt for this type of removal, in fact hot wax hair removal is one of the most popular methods of removing unwanted hair, even though it is fairly painful.

Hot wax hair removal can be done at home, or you can get it done professionally at a salon.

There are also facilities that specialize in solely in waxing, but again, it can get expensive. Hot wax hair removal is done by applying hot wax to the hair and a strip of fabric is applied to the wax.

As the wax cools down the strip is then ripped from the body against the hair growth and the hair is removed from the root. This same hot waxing or cold waxing procedures can be done at home but a person may need some practice before they can remove completely hair from tricky areas.

There are various types of hot wax hair removal kits that one can use at home. They range from simple plastic strips that are rubbed until heated to waxes that are microwaveable.

But when using wax, hot or cold, it is wise to follow some general skin care guidelines.

While temporary redness and swelling may occur, to reduce the possibility of long term irritation and/or scarring, the area to be waxed should be exfoliated first and thoroughly cleansed.

When applying the wax, always apply in the direction of hair growth and when pulling the strip always pull in the opposite direction of hair growth and try to pull as quickly and evenly as possible to get the maximum waxing effect.

Skin should be left alone for 24 hours before re-waxing hairs that were not pulled in the first waxing session. After waxing, skin repair lotion, moisturizer and after-waxing lotions should be applied.

And practicing good hygiene everyday is also a great way to prepare for your next waxing session.

Discover more interesting tidbits on hair by visiting http://www.theworldofhair.net a website offering tips and resources on issues such as short trendy hairstyles, causes of hair loss and even the cost of laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal - Is it the Best Way of Getting Rid of Unwanted Hair? By Bernice Eker

Laser Hair Removal - Is it the Best Way of Getting Rid of Unwanted Hair?
By Bernice Eker

When it comes to laser hair removal, many people are very skeptical about it and they seem to believe that there are many risks involved and that laser hair removal is not the best choice to go with.

Well, in this article we will explore the benefits of home laser hair removal, laser hair therapy and of course laser hair removal in general.

This fantastic use of technology is not only the best laser hair treatment on the market today, but it is also extremely safe and it gets rid of the unwanted hair in a painless and efficient way!

It is a pretty terrible thing that many people are the victims of excessive hair growth, hair can spout out anywhere! Upper lips, toes, feet, legs and armpits are just a few of the places that many people have problems controlling their hair on. Many people have turned toward laser hair treatment to get rid of this excess growth and have found that it has worked wonders!

Having laser hair removal can make all sorts of unwanted hair go away permanently, so you will never have to cut yourself again, get rashes from hair-removal creams or spend thousands of dollars on hair removal treatments that simply do not work.

One of the first steps you will need to make when you are looking into laser hair therapy is consulting your dermatologist.

This will most likely determine whether laser hair treatment is right for you and to be honest, most laser hair treatment is right for most people.

A dermatologist will just refer you to the best laser hair removal agency and advise you exactly where to go. If you are looking to do your laser hair therapy at home, there is home laser hair removal available, so your doctor can check into this for you as well.

During the actual procedure, the most you will feel as they remove the hair are warm pinpricks and most people have been known to fall asleep while they are getting their hair removed with a laser. While some slight swelling and redness may appear, it will definitely fade after just a few days and if you use an ice pack, you should have little to no discomfort at all.

Laser hair treatment is extremely popular among celebrities, as they have to look perfect all the time and need to have all of their unwanted hair removed for good. If celebrities have been getting this procedure done for decades, laser hair treatment must not only be safe, but it also must be extremely effective!

So why not give it a try and ditch the razors and cream that only hurt your skin? Laser hair removal is a simple, effective way at removing unwanted hair and it is the best possible treatment out there.

As long as you do all of your research and are informed and educated, your results will be extremely happy and you will never have to deal with unwanted hair ever again!

Bernice Eker is an expert on laser hair removal and wants to help people by sharing her expertise.

For more information on laser hair removal visit: http://hairlasering.com/

Laser Hair Removal At Home - A Good Idea? By Timothy Croy

Laser Hair Removal At Home - A Good Idea?
By Timothy Croy

While there are a number of laser hair removal at home systems on the market today, there is some reservation on the part of healthcare professionals about these products.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you have been thinking about purchasing a laser hair removal at home kit.

One of the first considerations has to do with basic hygiene. In order to produce an effective removal of hair from the body, it is important to not only remove the hair, but also kill the root. If this is not done properly, there is an increased risk of infection.

Laser hair removal that takes place in the controlled environment of a professional setting is far superior to most home environments, when it comes to hygiene.

While laser hair removal at home may be convenient, it is often not the best option in terms of health maintenance.

Second, the use of a laser hair removal at home system assumes the individual possesses the basic skills required to use the system. Most people are not quite as steady and sure with the hands as required to do the detailed task of laser hair removal.

This can lead to mistakes that could scar the texture of the skin.

While accidents do happen in professional laser hair removal procedures, they are far fewer in numbers. If you do not have a steady hand and a firm grasp of what you are doing, then going with a professional is a much better option.

Last, not all home systems are as effective as professional hair removal. This means that you may have to repeat the process several times before you have the desired result. The cost of repeated home sessions could actually exceed the price of having the job done professionally. From an economic perspective, the home systems may not be the most cost effective option.

As you can see home laser hair removal is not always the best option.

Educate yourself about laser hair removal side effects, costs, or general information at:

Laser Hair Removal 101

The Best Home Hair Removal Tips (Part 1) By Tim Gorman

The Best Home Hair Removal Tips (Part 1)
By Tim Gorman

When you look around, it's easy to spend thousands of dollars to have unwanted hair removed by professionals.

If you've got hair where you wish it wasn't, don't despair! Nowadays there are lots of hair removal procedures you can use at home, and they're relatively inexpensive.

This two part series will tell you about the most common ones.

Shaving Tips for Men

If you're looking for a smoother shave, try shaving in the shower. This softens up the beard and makes a smoother shave easier. If you like to use creams or gels, don't get carried away and use too much. They're more effective if you apply them correctly. Gently massage the shaving cream or lotion lightly onto your skin.

This stimulates the little pilli muscles, which then lift the hairs up and so makes them easier to shave. Double or triple bladed shavers may sound fancy, but single blades usually give a better shave. And you can forget about shaving with a blunt razor, you're asking for trouble.

Change the blade as soon it loses its sharpness. Look at the direction your hair grows, and shave in the same direction for the first couple of passes. Finally, reverse and shave against the grain for the final pass. Finish by rinsing your face with cool water, then pat, don't rub, your face dry with your towel.

If you take the time to shave properly, you will generally only have to shave once a day, although for some men twice daily is still required.

Shaving Tips for Women

You might think that razors made specially for women are just a marketing ploy, but in fact they really are different. They're a more convenient shape, and the blade is at the right angle for underarms and legs. It's always helpful to run warm water on your underarms and legs first, then massage in your shaving cream or gel.

There's no need to spend heaps buying expensive shaving lotions, hair conditioner is just as effective. Interestingly, it's best for women to shave at night, because that's when body fluids drain away a little and aren't tightly packed around the hair follicles. You should always be extremely careful shaving the bikini area, because the last thing you need is underwear chafing on a shaving rash. Contrary to the old wive's tale, shaving facial or moustache hair won't make it grow back even thicker.

Frequency of shaving is your choice, but generally it's recommended that you shave underarms and legs twice a week, although you can adjust that depending on how fast the hair grows.

Tweezing Tips

It's very easy to be slack when using tweezers, and not think about hygiene.

In fact, it's important to clean your tweezers in hot water before you use them, and preferably wipe them with alcohol. You can use tweezers to shape eyebrows and remove stray hairs on the chin and face.

However, never use tweezers for nose hairs, because you could spread infections. Always pull the hair out in the same direction it's growing.

To make it easier, place a hot face cloth over the area to be tweezed.

This helps open the pores a little. Wait until afterwards to apply creams or moisturizes, otherwise you could end up with infected or blocked pores. Generally, tweezing is effective for about two weeks.

Depilatory Cream Tips

Some people have an allergic reaction to depilatory creams, so it's always good to check first. Place a small amount on the area you want to treat, follow the instructions on the label, then wait 24 hours. If everything looks okay, you can go ahead and do the whole area. Depilatory creams are most effective straight after a warm bath. This leaves the hair softened and the pores open. Always read the label instructions carefully before beginning, and it might be a good idea to have a timer handy so you don't leave the cream on too long.

Don't use depilatory creams is you have cuts, a rash, acne blemishes or mosquito bites in the area you wish to treat. Mostly you can get by using a depilatory cream twice a month, although you can adjust the frequency to suit your own rate of hair regrowth.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Painless-Laser-Hair-Removal.info He provides more laser hair removal advice, solutions and information on home hair removal tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Even More Home Hair Removal Treatments; Part 2 By Tim Gorman

Even More Home Hair Removal Treatments; Part 2
By Tim Gorman

In Part 1 we looked at shaving, tweezing and depilatory creams. Now it's time to look at some more home hair removal treatments that you can use to save yourself the cost of professional hair removal.

Waxing Tips

This is no time to be brave - the truth is, most people find that waxing hurts! It's important to prepare your skin properly, which means it needs to be 100% dry and clean, no lotions, no creams.

Make sure you apply the hot wax in the same direction the hair grows. You also need to choose the right type of wax for your hair. Thin wax is fine for fine hair, and thick or coarse hair will require thicker wax.

You also need the hair to be at least 1/8 of an inch long before you can wax it effectively.

The good news is that waxing usually only needs to be done once a month, perhaps even less.


Okay, bleaching isn't really a hair removal technique, but it's certainly has the same effect. Bleaching lightens the hair so much that it's hard to be seen. You need to purchase cosmetically approved bleaching creams that are specifically formulated for use on the body - don't make the mistake of reaching for laundry bleach!

The most common area targeted with bleaching is the area above the lips, although you can use it in other areas as well.

Unfortunately many women find bleaching results in skin irritation, so it's probably a good idea to test the bleach first on an inconspicuous area.

You might also find that bleached hair is extremely obvious if you have tanned or dark skin, so take a moment to think whether it's an appropriate choice for you. Generally you'll need to bleach hair every two to three weeks for this technique to be effective.

Abrasives Tips

If you want to remove an area of fine hairs, you can abrasive pumice stones or special hair removal gloves. These gloves have a lining that feels similar to fine sandpaper. Rub the gloves or stone in a circular motion, and make sure you only use a light pressure so that you avoid damaging the skin.

It's probable that you'll end up with a small amount of skin irritation no matter how careful you are. Abrasive treatments usually last for at least three weeks.

Epilation Tips

Epilation is a commonly used term to describe any hair removal method that removes the hair from below the skin's surface - which usually means removing the root of the hair. Electrolysis, waxing and laser treatment are the main forms of epilation, and are discussed elsewhere in these tips.

Electrolysis Tips

When it comes to electrolysis, you may be better off visiting a professional. Home electrolysis methods aren't always as dependable. The good thing about electrolysis is that the hair removal can be permanent if it's done properly. If you do use any home electrolysis equipment, make sure you read the label, warnings and instructions very carefully first.

The models that use electric tweezers are usually fairly ineffective. You need to choose a model that inserts a blunt needle beside the hair follicle. Hair that's actively growing responds better to electrolysis than fully grown hair, so it's a good idea to wax the area or use a depilatory cream and wait for the hair to start regrowing before using electrolysis.

It's vital that you keep your equipment clean and sterilized. Using a dirty needle can result in serious infection.

Take your time, and only do a small area, such as a square inch, each time. It's possible the skin will swell afterwards. Most home electrolysis treatments don't remove the hair permanently, so you will probably need to repeat the process every couple of months.

After reading these our two articles, you should have learned a lot about hair removal techniques you can use at home, and have decided which one is most suitable for you. Always read labels and instructions carefully, and follow them exactly.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Painless-Laser-Hair-Removal.info He provides more laser hair removal advice, solutions and information on laser hair removal facts that you can research in your pajamas on his website.