
Epila Laser Hair Removal By Tim Grimsley

Epila Laser Hair Removal
By Tim Grimsley

Laser hair removal equipment costs around $20,000 if you were to purchase the professional type machine. Now there is a small home versions for home laser hair removal.

It's called the Epila laser and it can be purchased online. The Epila Laser is around $270, for that price it can easily pay for itself.

Before you go out and buy one of these types of machines you should know that it may take a little practice to get efficient with the process of laser hair removal.

It will most likely take you a few times trying it before you will be completely comfortable with it.

Here are a few basic items that you should be familiar with when you make your decision to purchase a machine and try this at home.

To understand how it works lets take a look at the procedure. At most any time about 80% of the hair on your body is growing. All hair follows a set cycle for it's growth. Hair also goes through a resting stage before it falls out. During the resting phase the laser cannot kill it in the follicle itself.

The only other treatment that can provide a long term removal of hair is electrolysis. This is a very long process, often requiring several visits and can be quite painful. The laser uses pulses of light to gently kill each follicle that has a hair shaft that is in it's growing stage.

The laser is able to pass over areas quickly. It can kill many follicles at once. This is much quicker than other forms of permanent removal of hair. You may experience some slight discomfort with the laser hair removal. Compared to other methods it is very minimal.

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...

Most everyone should be happy with the Epila laser hair removal process and results, as long as you are patient and willing to practice a few times with it before you think you are a pro...Continue

